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Fearless read free novels read online by B.B. Reid


Author: B.B. Reid

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Take one last ride with Keiran and Lake and the rest of the Broken Love gang in this fifth and final installment as they face stronger enemies and bigger obstacles while fighting to hold tight to the tattered existence of their love.b86novelsGo

When faced with broken love…b86novelsGo

Have you ever had the feeling you were a stranger?b86novelsGo
Out of reach, I watched and mourned me.b86novelsGo
Nothing moved. Breathed. Nothing lived.b86novelsGo
I was in an alternate universe.b86novelsGo
No longer an innocent.b86novelsGo
I had blood on my hands, and I wasn’t even sorry for it.b86novelsGo
I was only afraid for Keiran.b86novelsGo
Of his reaction when the shock wore off.b86novelsGo
It would be an explosion.b86novelsGo
Of hurt, anger, and mistrust.b86novelsGo
He’d know I lied.b86novelsGo
And to him…b86novelsGo
The betrayal born of my good intentions is worse than the act of murder.b86novelsGo

…will you succumb to fear…b86novelsGo

She was supposed to be my light.b86novelsGo
The one who saved me from the monster.b86novelsGo
But when I looked in her eyes that day, I didn’t see her.b86novelsGo
I only saw my father’s killer.b86novelsGo

Her love saved me from the monster.b86novelsGo
Mine turned her into one.b86novelsGo

…or will you be fearless?b86novelsGo